Wanglu's blog


星期四, 十一月 30, 2006

"I'm proud to be Chinese"这句话引起争议

我前天在看王建硕的英文BLOG的一篇文章“Shanghai is Coooold”,下面他文中提到:

Ashamed? No,S
eeing the bad things in China does not affect my proud of my nationality. There must be optimistic people within a country to try everything he/she can to help, or make progress (no matter how small it is). A real confident nation, just like a confident person, should not shy away from facing the bad things.

For example, history is part of the identity of a country. By facing the history, no matter it is good or bad ,demostrates the confidence of the country. It is the same for the bad things.

I feel bad about people's misbehavior, but I don't feel bad to be part of the people here. Just because I care, I write, and I bring the topic. I hope more people care about what is going on, and encourage people to write about it and talk about it.”

我对他 的观点很认同,就发表了自己的评论“I agreed ur opinion.Im proud to be a chinese”。未曾料到后面的一个美国人对我的评论发表了不同意见“I don't get these "I'm proud to be Chinese" chauvinistic statements. if I started posting "I am proud to be an American" statements, I am sure that others would find it the way, I am proud and happy to be an American. ”


People need to remember that "I'm proud to be Chinese" is not the same as "I hate the Japanese".

Posted by: Dave G. on November 30, 2006 01:18 AM


Posted by: wyx on November 30, 2006 08:41 AM

to correct :62580000 for Qiangsheng, and 96961 for Jinjiang.

Posted by: wyx on November 30, 2006 08:44 AM

i am proud to be a Chinese, just like i am proud as a Henan ren, as you know, i work in penglai , shandong now, due to my husband is a shandong ren, to be honest, wherever you go, you will always remember that your hometown is your really spriirt home.

Posted by: kate on November 30, 2006 09:25 AM

I find it amusing. Chinese say "I am proud to be a Chinese..." too often. Americans don't say that. And sometimes it can be politically incorrect to declare "I am proud to be an American...". So, few people say that. Why do Chinese say that often? I guess that back in average Chinese' minds, there may be some inconfidence..., or insecurity.

ONE DAY, Chinese will not say that amusing line. That day, we know that Chinese can really be proud of themselves. Despite the recent material advancement, that day hasn't arrived yet, but it will one day.

Posted by: jqian on November 30, 2006 09:44 AM

jqian - you might not hear Americans say it often in China, but in America, people do often say "I'm proud to be an American" and don't always have to state it verbally. Ever since the 9/11 attacks there are American flags and patriotic messages all over cars and buildings.

I don't see why either should be offensive to say. I guess because pride and ego have the connotation of saying you're better than others. If people let go of their pride and ego just a little and see everyone as equals, this would be a better peaceful world.

Of course it's just human nature to do this.

Posted by: Steve on November 30, 2006 10:14 AM

patriotism does not need to be mouthed! in such cases, actions always speak louder than talk. only dictators and incompetent leaders will use the patriot trick repeatedly to fuel the insecure feelings of their small minded minions. in the case of public transport etiquette, i guess the patriotic thing to do is to put one's effort into helping the general population get more easy access to higher and higher level of education on all aspects. make your money in hi-tech shanghai etc, and then contribute what you can financially and/or technically towards the betterment of education of the younger generation in the back country, that will be the least one can do before one can think about being patriotic, otherwise one is just another efficiency hungry, profit chasing drone amongst millions.

Posted by: solopolo on November 30, 2006 09:58 PM

I believe that America is such a huge melting pot of different people and races that saying 'I am proud to be Chinese' doesn't fit over here.

Posted by: Shrek7 on November 30, 2006 11:02 PM

Agree with Jerry, ILH, and jqian.

"I'm proud to be Chinese"
Please, just tell me why ?
There is certainly plenty reasons (as there is plenty reason to be
ashamed), but I do not know the usual reason that make Chinese proud
to be Chinese?

By the way according to an internet survey (censorred by the
goverrnment) 64% of Chinese do not want to be again Chinese if they get
a new life...,,1875731,00.html
The reason given by 40% of Chinese: "Chinese citizens lacked human dignity."

Posted by: Mr. survey on December 1, 2006 10:12 AM

What does Chinese exactly mean by "Chinese citizens lacked human dignity" ?

Posted by: Mr. survey on December 1, 2006 10:14 AM

We don't need to post "I am proud to be a Chinese" statements,because it's a reality,not a tage. by chinese,桃李不言,下自成蹊。

Posted by: chenli on December 1, 2006 11:35 AM

我觉得"I'm proud to be Chinese"这句话能够引起争议是一个很有意思的现象,没有想到美国人有不同的看法,中国人之间也有不同的看法,体现了各种人面对当今中国现状的不同心态。


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